I John 3:1-10
September 3, 2017
John wants to turn the attention of his readers to the great and wondrous love that God has for them. He doesn’t merely want them to consider it, but instead, he wants them to ponder in amazement the depths of His love for them. This is why he uses the term “potapos.” This greek word is used in Matthew 8:27 when the disciples of Jesus witness Him calm the storm and question, “what sort of man is this?.” John now wants believers to truly see how great the Fathers love is for them. He wants them to wonder in perplexity at the lengths the Father has gone to love them and make them part of His family.
There is a story in the Old Testament that can help us unpack the love God has for us. You may remember the story of God taking the throne from Saul and giving the Kingdom of Israel to David. In most ancient situations the new king would kill anyone found from the former kings family. No one wanted a vengeful heir lurking about. King Saul had a grandson named Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4). Poor Mephibosheth was only five years old when his grandfather, and father were killed in battle. His nurse, trying to flee hastily, accidentally dropped Mephibosheth. Not only would he never be king, but he would also be lame the rest of his life. However, in God’s providence, David called for Mephibosheth to come before him. Instead of killing him he gave him all the lands of Saul his grandfather. He also allowed him to eat at the kings table for the rest of his life. Mephibosheth could not believe the kindness of David. He said, “what is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I” (2 Samuel 9:8). The love and grace that David showed Mephibosheth is a foreshadowing of the gospel. This is the love that God has shown us. We have nothing to offer but a pitiful existence. Yet, God has made us part of His family and we will dine at His table forever. Truly, we should ponder in amazement at the kind of love the Father has given to us!
John spends the next several verses discussing those who practice sin and contrasting them with those who practice righteousness. John’s argument is that anyone who has spent time thinking about the great love God has for us will not continue to practice sin… in fact, they can’t, because God’s seed remains in them (vs. 9). At this point we must not confuse “practicing sin” with “sinning.” John has already declared to us that we are all sinners and anyone who disagrees is deceived (I John 1:8). He has also told us that if we confess our sins that God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins (I John 1:9). What is in question here in chapter 3 is the “practice of sinning.” This is willful disobedience to God that is habitual. It’s when we say our sin doesn’t matter anymore that danger is lurking at our door. Many even deceive themselves to believe that God actually approves of their sin.
I write these study notes just two days after the release of what is being called the Nashville Statement. It is a statement that confirms what the Scripture teaches and what Christians have always believed about marriage and gender. Statements like this have been necessary throughout history for the same reason John is writing to the churches of Asia Minor. People are trying to say what God called sin really isn’t sin anymore. In our day, many are writing books and filling our seminaries with nonsensical ideas that homosexuality is part of God’s design for marriage and human life. Many are taking their theological cues from culture instead of God’s Word. Scripture is clear that homosexuality is sin (Romans 1:24-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9; I Timothy 1:10). No one who lives in willful sin is “in the light.” Anyone who continues to “practice sin” is of their father the devil who has been sinning from the beginning. Those who are truly “born again” practice righteousness. When the righteous fall into sin we are quick to repent and follow Christ again. The unrighteous love their sin more than God and only seek to justify their desires. John warns us to not be deceived. Many claim to be Christians… but true Christians repent of sin and practice righteousness.
Study Questions
In what ways are we like Mephibosheth? Why would God give us a seat at His table?
What do you think the God’s seed refers to in verse 9? Read John 3:6-8 for help.
Why do so many think practicing sin is okay? Why is repentance key to true Christianity?